Terms &

Your privacy is important to us. This policy describes how ACS discharges its responsibilities under the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012 (which amends the Privacy Act 1988), and in compliance with the Australian Privacy Principles (APP), in relation to the collection, storage and use of personal information about you and how you may exercise your rights to access such information.

ACS only collects information that is reasonably necessary for the proper performance of our activities or functions.

ACS manages personal information, as an APP Entity, under the Australian Privacy Principles.

Who will collect your personal and sensitive information?

Your personal and sensitive information will be collected by authorised employees of ACS.

Types of personal information held by ACS and when and how it is collected

Personal information includes information regarding your contact details, work experience, qualifications, aptitude test results, opinions about your work performance (e.g. reference checks), incidents at the workplace, and other information obtained or received by us in connection with your possible and actual work placements. Subject to the guidelines set out in APP 3, we collect personal information by lawful and fair means.

Specific personal information can include:
  • Personal contact details
  • Information contained in your resume
  • Educational qualifications
  • Other information about your qualifications for employment
  • Language proficiencies and other work-related skills
  • Employment history
  • Work performance information, i.e. reference and background checks
  • Date and place of birth
  • Australian work rights or visa credentials
  • Gender
  • Personal identification credentials – driver’s licence, passport etc.
  • Information about incidents in the workplace
  • Information in relation to absences from work due to leave, illness or other causes
  • Information obtained to assist in managing client and business relationships
  • Payroll and tax-related details
  • Bank account details
  • WorkCover related information
  • Information you provide regarding your career interests
  • AGSVA Clearance status
  • Emergency contact details
  • Any additional information you provide either during an interview or through subsequent contact
Sensitive information

Sensitive information is a special category of personal information under the Privacy Act. It is information or opinion about you, including membership of a professional or trade association or membership of a trade union; criminal record; health information, racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, membership of a political association, religious beliefs or affiliations, philosophical beliefs, or sexual preferences or practices. As outlined in the Privacy Act, sensitive information can, in most cases, only be disclosed with your consent.

We may collect personal or sensitive information about you when:
  • You complete one of our registration or candidate details forms or provide any other information in connection with your application
  • You provide additional information either during an interview or through subsequent contact
  • We receive any reference about you
  • We receive work performance information including feedback from clients (whether positive or negative)
  • We receive any complaint or other information from or about you in the workplace
  • We receive results of inquiries that we might make of your former employers, work colleagues, professional associations or registration body
  • We receive the results of any competency test or background checks, including criminal record check when required
  • We receive any information about any insurance investigation, litigation, registration or professional disciplinary matter, criminal matter, inquest or inquiry in which you were involved
  • We receive any information about a workplace accident in which you are involved
  • We collect information about you from public domain sources
Purposes and use for which we collect personal information

Your personal and sensitive information may be used in connection with:

  • Providing you with job opportunities and work or the ability to provide services (for/of)
  • Assessing your suitability as a job candidate and your qualifications for project engagements
  • Providing payroll and administration services to you
  • Providing career guidance or management
  • Undertaking performance appraisals
  • Assessing your ongoing performance and prospects
  • Any test or assessment that you might be required to undergo
  • Identification of your training needs
  • Informing you of possible work opportunities or potential candidates, or other events such as information sessions or training
  • Any workplace rehabilitation
  • Management and resolution of any complaint, inquiry or investigation in which you are involved
  • Any insurance claim or proposal that requires disclosure of your personal or sensitive information
  • Undertaking criminal reference checks and other background checks, where required
  • Work, Health Safety risk management